My collections follow...
Bead Reflections - Mirrored photographs from Sarah-Jane's Little Treasures.
Dia de los Muertos/Halloween
Encaustic - Wax.
Flowers - Note cards sold at The Hodgepodge in Salida, CO. Look for others on this site.
Human Nature - Plants meet people.
Little Treasures - Sold exclusively at Eye Candy in downtown Salida, Colorado $122 each. These little gems are perfect for small spaces.
Overlay - Superimposed photographs from an old farm to a native deer..
Prints - $15 for 5x7" matted to 8x0"; $25 for 8x10" matted to 11x14"
For viewing from your mobile device, click on the menu (3 lines on the above right on your screen) for you old-schoolers (like me). All prints can be reproduced on canvas, metal, metallic paper or card stock.
Send me an email (sjmaynard1957@gmail.com) if you are interested in the art
and stay tuned to see future collections from Sarah-Jane (me).